8 thoughts on “Barbados”

    1. Speaking of which, I’d be glad to hear any recommendations of reasonably priced rums. Myers’s Dark has been my standard choice for years and I want to expand my repertoire.

  1. The wife and I have been looking for a place to retire, one that isn’t as insane as the United States. This place looks pretty good. I’ve checked their military. The wife and I could easily defeat it, and establish our own libertarian regime if need be.

    1. We have lived in a time where the primary “hegemon”, the United States, has had a policy of “we leave you alone internally as long as you don’t cause trouble with your neighbors and try to act civilized”.

      All those microstates, like Barbados or the Cayman Islands, all the way up to New Zealand sized places, exist because they are protected by an international system that allows them to exist unmolested. That’s why they have little to no military to defend themselves. In earlier times, they’d be “protectorates”, subservient to larger powers. Maybe they still are, but just it’s not as obvious as in the past. Consider that when that international order breaks down, as the Chinese seem to want in the South China Sea, for example, they aren’t going to be “a nice place to retire” any more if someone bigger wants that territory.

      Just another example of how the current times aren’t as horrid as the Progressive Left wishes them to be.

      1. It’s not just ‘microstates’. It also applies to Canada, Australia and Europe. None could defend themselves against a serious attacker without the US.

        The ‘Pax Americana’ is one of the reasons those countries have been able to take a big shift to the left; they rely on the US to protect them, no matter what crazy policies they might follow to weaken their cultures, and how weak their military might be.

        At least Australia seems to be waking up and realizing that the US Navy might not be around to protect it from China much longer. The rest haven’t.

        1. Australia is going all out to bring in refugees from Hong Kong, since they recognize that they’re the most productive people on the planet. That’s a great move. Unfortunately, Australia’s “green” lefties have dynamited all of the reliable (coal fired) power plants, and their wind and solar grid is unable to sustain itself, let alone an advancing industrial civilization.

          The U.S. has also made moves to bring Hong Kong ex-pats into our country. That’s a good move for us, but at the rate we’re going, this country will soon be no better than Red China.

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