5 thoughts on “Media Bias”

  1. Mass media is dying. The numbers reflect the decline. No millennial, “watches” the news. They scroll their Facebook feed. News is strictly the domain of the highest bidder for the demographic.

    The conservative moment would be better served using deep fake videos that morph neocons into cute puppies dancing to TikTok tunes.

  2. No millennial, “watches” the news.

    Ain’t just them. I haven’t “watched” news, national or local, this century, other than the occasionally and accidentally while flipping channels, back when I even had a television.

    Part of that is that I long ago realized that it was much easier to lie with video. And that video is a timewaster, because speech is inefficient. What can be said in a few seconds in print seems to take most people at least fifteen minutes in a video or podcast.

    But even back then, it seemed that too much “news” was just opinion, and I wanted facts and raw footage, not something selectively edited with some ignoramus chattering over that. Even now, I’m amazed at the number of “news” sites that won’t provide links to their sources or even simple items like maps. It’s all repackaged and filtered.

    1. “I’m amazed at the number of “news” sites that won’t provide links to their sources or even simple items like maps.”


      Another thing is they do is have backlinks for SEO that don’t provide useful or relevant information.

      In the political context of our time, I’ve found the absence of links to source material are rather convenient because the source material does not support the article.

  3. It isn’t going to stop when Trump isn’t President. There is a small issue with how journalists are trained and another small issue with the political culture that controls their actions.

  4. One thing to remember about media bias; there are other drivers besides politics. Those drivers are dollar signs, which is why so many treat China like a sacred cow.

    MSM is most often a news division of a media conglomerate, which makes a lot of money from the Chinese market. In other words, they are defacto paid quislings of the Chinese Communist Party – which seeks to destroy us.

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