9 thoughts on “The Black Vote”

  1. This is why Democrats organized the race riots. They fear the support Trump is getting from black Americans, so they started the race riots. Notice the Democrats started by saying the riots were about fighting racism but now they are all anti-Trump and anti-American. Now they have the crowd riled up, they are trying to channel it to their political ends.

    1. The violent protests have been getting larger and more organized since the Bush years. They are “race riots” in name only — it’s an excuse only

  2. I find the term “the black vote” offensive, and have for longer than I can remember. It is a prime example of the concept of racism. Black people don’t all think the same way, nor do they all cast the same vote. But “the black vote” implies a uniformity on a par with, say, the neediness of a golden retriever, or the aloofness of a Siamese cat – in other words, “traits” of a particular species.

    That is the essence of racism: assigning “traits” to human beings distinguished from you only by, say, the color of their skin. Human beings are human beings, period.

    1. Isn’t it amazing how casually the media discusses blacks as monolithic, yet nobody points this out as a sign of systemic racism. They do the same with women, LGBTQ, and other minorities. They are monolithic with no freethinkers in the bunch, lest those freethinkers be called out as traitors.

    2. You are technically correct, however in political discussions it is often necessary to use verbal shorthand or you will spend hours on all the caveats. Hence, the black vote, the labor vote, the southern vote, the northeast, the west coast, the blue states, the red states, the women’s vote, and, yes, the white vote. They all have their champions and their defectors, they do not vote in lockstep, but often vote in a predictable majority.

      These shorthands are useful and not only because there is a large grain of truth in them. Blacks do tend to vote Democrat, on the whole – the narrative would have you believe that they do this because they are repulsed by the supposed open bigotry and race hatred of the GOP. Yet, some of them found their way to saner thinking – so will others over time.

      In any case, could you imagine how long a Poli Sci class would be if it did not use nicknames for popular notions and voting blocks? Political humor would go right out the window. The end of humanity as we know it. 🙂

  3. Trump is doing a fairly good job of defining the true struggle as being about class, where one’s efforts (or lack thereof) enable movement between classes, instead of race, where those attributes are immutable.

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