My Hillsdale Panel Discussion

I just got an email from a friend who saw it on line, so I went and looked it up. Here it is.

I was originally supposed to lead off, but the moderator rearranged things so I ended up batting clean up, and it ended up well. Sercel told me that he was going to talk about some of the things that I did, but dropped them in the interest of time, so all our talks ended up being complementary. A lot of the audience told me later that the panel discussion (the first time space had ever been a topic at this event) “blew their minds.” It was the first time I’d ever met General Kwast, but he has been talking up my book to many people.

One thought on “My Hillsdale Panel Discussion”

  1. Thanks for posting this Rand. I was so glad you got “as God and Bob Heinlein intended” in there, I think I did a fist-pump. And that you pronounce “Heinlein” as I do (I’ve experienced attempts at correction; “It’s hine-line”).

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