
James Lileks’ obligatory essay.

I am not just today, but always thankful that I was born in this Republic, and for the opportunities that we will continue to have to preserve it. Speaking of which, Sidney Powell delivered the Kraken for Thanksgiving.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Also in my home state of Michigan which is, apropo of nothing other than the Lion’s loss today, having a very bad football season.

5 thoughts on “Thanksgiving”

  1. Today I am thankful for cardamom. The addition of 1/4 tsp. to both my pumpkin and apple pies was the best decision I have made in a while.

  2. At times it may not seem like it but we are alive in a time that has never been better from humans, from climate, war, and comfort, things have never been better and I’m thankful to be here now rather than times past when I’d surely been dead at a much younger age.

    1. Were it not for penicillin administered under doctors orders via injection in the hospital I am sure I wold have died of streptococcal pneumonia at age 14.

      1. As an aside at no time during the 10 or so days I was sick did I wear a mask. When I was finally admitted I believe I remember the nurses treating me did and I had a private room. No one else in my family got sick either.

  3. “Sidney Powell’s ‘Kraken’ Voter Fraud Lawsuits Ridiculed by Legal Experts Over Typos, Lack of Evidence”

    I purposely choose to use the MSN link .. even though some right wing news are saying the same thing.. to give everyone the opportunity to toss a fallacy of logic at me and attack the messenger and say fake news because it is a MSN link.

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