10 thoughts on “Thoughts On The Election”

  1. Ain’t heard a fat lady singing just yet …

    I think President Trump has a couple of cards left to play, he’s not acting like a beaten man..

    1. I’m right there with you, Eric. I do not recognize Joe Biden as the next president of the United States and I am willing TO FIGHT!

  2. In California, the GOP harvested ballots like the Democrats did last cycle. They won some seats and the Dems were pissed.

  3. People are going to have to do more than organize better for the ‘next’ election. The Dems will vehemently resist any efforts to reform the voting process, so the good guys are going to have gum up, bollix, and toss sand into the gears of the Dems ability to govern. Lot’s of sugar must be poured into their bureaucratic gas tanks.

  4. The problem as I see it is that the Republican party has the tools but doesn’t have the will to do what it takes to win and to be the majority party. Look at how the state legislature’s in the battleground States did nothing to address the obvious cheating that occurred Before & After the election.

    1. Certainly some Republucans are corrupt but in general, I think they are good natured people and don’t realize they are dealing with scheming backstabbing grima wormtongues who want to overthrow our government and that Republicans losing affinity to rule of law and our other institutions furthers Democrat’s goals.

      Democrats benefit from abusing power but also others knowing they are doing it. They want Republicans to view the system as discredited, just like they do, in order to make it easier to destroy.

  5. Secure the border slash /regulations protect our jobs by renegotiating trade deals get us out of as many entangling alliances/wars as practical. If they are willing to do this they could be the majority party for 20 plus years; basically Trump doctrine with or without Trump.

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