10 thoughts on “Taiwan”

  1. That’s a good start. I’d really like to see him embassy complex in China from Beijing to Taipei. I think that requires Congressional approval, but what the heck.

  2. No, I don’t think a ‘lame duck’ President *should* do substantive geopolitical moves in the last days of his term. Unless they are both necessary and the need is imminent.

  3. Fucking China is necessary and the need is imminent.

    They should be made pay a price for the whole Covid fiasco.

    1. If nothing else, it would be instructive to see how Biden*’s handlers and the State Dept. lifers deal with it.

  4. Taiwan wont be getting any love the next four year’s. Does China feel strong enough to invade the country now? Tough to say but they have never had more control over our political class than they will when Democrats take control.

    For all the Democrat’s talk about Nazi and the moral obligation to break all the rules their presence requires, they sure are friendly with the closest ideology in existence today, China.

    1. One of the PRC’s main objectives was to have a military which could invade Taiwan ready by 2020. They have increased the size of the PLA Marines significantly over the past decade and made investments in surface troop naval capability like the Type 071 LPDs and the Type 075 LHDs. If not Taiwan, why else would they need all that marine capability?

      1. Oh, it is certainly for Taiwan. They have structured their forces like you say but they have also planned to delay the arrival of help with their various missile systems, navy, and air force. That sounds general but dig deeper and you will see the specific applications.

        The USA would act if given enough time to respond but if there was no clear ramp up to invasion, the US would not be able to move in assets. Once Chinese troops are in Taiwan, would the USA go to war?

        A lot hangs in the answer to that question but China is prepared for war. The question is about what the USA is prepared to do.

        That us a dilemma for either party but the climate right now indicates the USA would not respond and might actually help China shut down communications, round up dissidents, and close off supplies.

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