9 thoughts on “An Empty Suit”

  1. The Absentee Administration.

    Still awaiting the border “czar’s” first visit to our southern border.

    With Harris/Biden there just way too many feet sticking out below the curtains in the White House. Too many to know which ones to pull back or pay attention to. Or worse yet, maybe this is the Potemkin Administration, with just curtains and dressed up mannequin legs? I guess I’m just looking in the wrong direction. Down instead of up where all the strings are tangled.

  2. Hmm, I don’t know. I assume she was chosen for VP because the support Kamala got during the primary shows Democrats love her and think she will do a good job. That is the only logical explanation.

    1. Yep, nothing to do with her skin color / gender at all. Because considerations like that would have been racist/sexist after all.

    2. But in terms of Realpolitik tho’ this administration is all about Duck and Cover. I’m not seeing leadership here. I’m seeing advisory panels all the way down….

    3. I’m with you, Wodun. It seemed like Kamala had lots of support and Democrats really thought she deserved to be a heartbeat (or brain synopsis firing) from the Presidency. They said she was a leader they wanted to include because her thoughts would be diverse from Trump’s, and on that, I think Democrats are correct. It probably explains why the two received 10 million (14%) more votes than any previous Democratic ticket. You could see it in all the enthusiasm for Biden and Kamala expressed in polling prior to the election. The will of the people was really heard in November, or for that matter, at the first Democratic primary of the past election season.

      1. The will of the people was really heard in November,
        As was the voice of third class mail, and the voluminosity of just the right number of 3am cases of Samsonite. Freedom of the Press(es)!

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