4 thoughts on “Georgia Vote Fraud”

  1. It is now established that the FBI joined forces with the Clinton gang – first to “interpret” Clinton’s secret server into legality and then to use Clinton campaign material to create from whole cloth a false conspiracy charge against Trump and use that to materially damage his administration. That episode alone gives credibility to the charge that the election was “fixed”. The best description of some of the anomalies of the election are detailed here:

  2. Poll worker affidavits are as valuable as Confederate Currency. And considered the moral equivalent thereof by the Left.

    Really inspires one to civic duty doesn’t it?

  3. When VISA thinks that my card has been used in the Antipodes they manage to track it and close it down: Yet these ballots are dust on the wind….no control at all, no validation that any particular piece of paper was actually printed, etc.

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