8 thoughts on “CRT”

  1. Legal Insurrection has a good rundown
    Media Mutters:

    Critical race theory, to those who can actually define it, is an academic and legal framework that examines the impact of systemic racism on American society.

    “academic and legal framework”. Hilarious.
    The New Republic:

    The slipperiness of the right-wing version of “critical race theory” is the point: It is so loosely defined that almost anything of or pertaining to a conversation about race qualifies.

    1. Actually it’s so loosely defined (by its proponents) because from any academic or legal perspective it’s illogical garbage.

      That Media Matters went to the effort of tabulating the number of mentions it has received on Fox News [vampire scream] proves the point the left is in panic mode.

      1. Actually it’s so loosely defined (by its proponents) because from any academic or legal perspective it’s illogical garbage.

        On a discussion forum site, I’ve suffered through a couple of CRT articles that purport to tell what CRT is about, and discuss the perfidy of the Republicans. While they spend endless paragraphs saying mean things about Republicans, both perfunctorily describe CRT in hazy boilerplate (with one of the papers actually linking to a third paper that issued the boilerplate).

        So I’ve taken to a game: what’s the difference between CRT and Nazism?

        So far, the biggest differences seem to be that CRT thinks races are social constructs and Nazis think races are biological, along with some mild disagreement over whose fault it is that society is racist.

        Sure, it’s insulting to CRT adherents. But when your description of your beliefs is some bluster over a “framework” that nobody can describe in any detail, well, the Nazis were notorious for being real hazy about the details when it was convenient.

    2. “almost anything of or pertaining to”

      That is the foundation of intersectionality, which is a big part of CRT. It is why the climate apocalypse and knitting are racist.

  2. This is so entrenched in our schools that it will take more than a couple parents getting upset to change things. Back when I was in college, we had to take a quarter’s worth of credits for “cultural sensitivity” and most of the offerings were just Democrat propaganda. This was a long time ago, it has to be much worse now. It also explains why they want to make a 4 year stint in college a mandatory 5 years.

    Marxism is still in ascension, as we have seen with what is going on with the military, federal government, and financial industry. These are people who wont just change their mind. They have to be removed from power.

  3. Via Glenn, Andrew Sullivan

    When pushed to describe it themselves, elite journalists refer to the legal theories Derrick Bell came up with, in the 1970s — obscure, esoteric and nothing really to do with high-school teaching. “If your kid is learning CRT, your kid is in law/grad school,” snarked one.

    Ibram X. Kendi even has an AntiRacist Baby Picture Book so you can indoctrinate your child into the evil of whiteness as soon as she or he can gurgle. It’s a little hard to argue that CRT is not interested in indoctrinating kids when its chief proponent in the US has a kiddy book on the market.

    It truly is hilarious to see the left completely incapable of even staying on the same page. Reminds me of last June: “The protests are being organized by white supremacists!”. “We’re donating money to help the protesters with bail.”

  4. I’m beginning to wonder if this can be turned back without violence. As in, the commies will win if they can keep us from nuking them, on the theory that if we nuke them, that means we loose and they win anyway, even if posthumously.

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