5 thoughts on “Structural Sexism”

  1. I don’t think a lot of women pushing for female preferences and special rewards in education realize they are hurting males. I don’t think too many of them care but some might feel bad. There are a number who believe in equity though, and equity means taking from others and giving special treatment to special groups.

    Can’t have Social Justice without punishment and if scapegoats need punished, then so be it.

  2. Forgotten by the Narrative: The purpose of men is to fuck women. The purpose of women is to have babies. Everything else is just killing time when not fucking and babying.

    1. Having babies is now considered vulgar. Not to mention ecologically problematical. We just import the children over the border and the upper class profession women no longer have to put up with the actual birthing, which is, by turns, painful and boring.

  3. Suggested reading: “The War Against Boys” by Christina Hoff Sommers
    When she wrote it, men still outnumbered women in college. The fact that a slightly smaller percentage of women were enrolled was considered epso facto evidence of discrimination. The fault was put down to teachers recognizing boys answers to questions more than they did for girls – who were presumably being ignored – as well as the assignments and reading material being male oriented. Now the situation is reversed. Since 77 percent of US teachers are women – with large majority of leftists one wonders if men are being purposely held back for “fairness” because they have “male privilege.”

  4. Even when I was a kid, in the 50s and 60s, most of the teachers were women, and some of the little girls acted the role of “block matron,” making a list of names to turn over to the teacher later.

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