31 thoughts on “Vaccine Hesitancy”

  1. The left has been beating the “vaccine hesitancy” drum so much that I think I’ll just give them a blank look and say “I’m not willing to risk taking a hesitant vaccine,” and “I’m waiting to find out if the vaccine is really hesitant,” and “I’ve heard the vaccine has had hesitancy problems that they’re still trying to address.”

  2. A start, I suppose, but it misses a few things:
    No mention of the Tuskegee Experiment.
    No mention of the years of “my body, my choice” chanting, but now “inject this in your body or lose your freedom to buy groceries”.
    No mention of various FDA approved drugs and vaccines being pulled or the various media stories on these recalls released in the summer of 2020 up to election day.
    No mention that most unvaccinated aren’t Republican or Democrat, but minorities.

    I’m vaccinated. If you aren’t vaccinated, know that the latest outbreaks are 99% unvaccinated. You should consider getting a vaccination. But I get it. I opposed Gov. Rick Perry trying to mandate all children in Texas get the HPV vaccination, even over parental objections. I also oppose all efforts to enforce COVID vaccinations through any mandate. When the government demands you do something for the sake of others; you are right to question the motives and refuse to comply.

    I say, do it for yourself.

    They say do it for them.

      1. The Palestinian areas aren’t having a surge and they only have a 9% vaccination rate. However, in the previous two waves they lagged Israel by about a month.

      2. Orville, you can choose to believe corporate media. I believe my wife who works at the local hospital and treated 7 COVID patients on what was normally her day off.

        1. Leland, I don’t doubt your wife’s experience, but what most people fail to grasp are the numbers. In a population of 300+ million people 0.1% deaths and several percent hospitalized is still enough to overwhelm the hospital system.

          Total Staffed Beds in All U.S. Hospitals is 919,559. One percent of the population is 3.3 million people. The risk of dying or being hospitalized by COVID is extremely small for the overall population, but the healthcare system simply can’t accomodate that numerator.

          Once you look past the size of the numerator/denominator, you can still see the risk is very small for remaining unvaccinated to COVID with an experimental vaccine.

          1. Yeah. I don’t care that hospitals elsewhere are overwhelmed. Mine is. My mother fell earlier this week. Fortunately she was ok, because taking her to the hospital was not an option. Doing so would be worse than putting her on hospice care. Alas, she has no acute injuries nor any imminent morbidity. But putting her in the hospital for even a broken bone would have meant no visitation, high chance of infection (even being vaccinated), and absolute misery.

            Further your numerator is off. Thanks to Biden’s immigration policy; at least 700 new COVID patients entered the United States across the Texas/Mexico border last weekend. The hospital system my wife works in, which is a pretty large one, had a total of 800 COVID patients among its various hospitals in Houston, TX. 700 more COVID immigrants in a city the size of Houston is a healthcare disaster brought on directly by action taken by the current President of the United States.

  3. Our government and the media aren’t honest. I read an article about why Fauci thinks pregnant women should get vaccinated but it detailed all of the risks of giving birth while you have COVID and none of the risks posed by the vaccine or the likelihood of either happening.

    Treat people as human beings. Give them the information they need to make informed decisions. Don’t lie and hide information because you don’t trust them or think they are incapable of making decisions.

    Leland makes a more persuasive case than Fauci and it is sad when persuasion means taking a position like, “These people are power tripping scumbags that don’t have your best interests in mind but in this case, getting the vaccine may be in your best interest. Don’t let your correct opinions of the people in charge prevent you from doing what is best for you.”

    But who knows? COVID isn’t going anywhere and if everyone is vaccinated, we have no natural stock to draw from if we need to in the future.

  4. If you aren’t vaccinated, know that the latest outbreaks are 99% unvaccinated.

    Another completely made up story from the CDC and MSM.

    1. Well, I’m not the CDC or MSM. But I did use the wrong word. Hospitalizations are 99% unvaccinated. I personally know more people recently that contracted COVID after being vaccinated than I knew all of last year that got COVID.

      Certainly anecdotal so YMMV.

  5. 1. Israel out break is at a 10th of the death rate for # of cases it looks like from it past pre vaccine surges.

    2. Hesitance will quickly disappear once the insurance companies and actuaries decide the cost of having a unvax is significantly more than than the vax and start surcharging . Though i suppose the party of “Liberty” will then start writing laws to compel the insurance companies to invest in a losing bet.

      1. Nothing to add except another ad hominem attack. But suppose to be expected from someone who had to crowd source a google search for atmospheric absorption spectrum.

        1. I didn’t have to do that. I just found it easier, asshole. And “keyboard diarrhea” is not an “ad hominem attack.” It was simply describing your keyboard output. But we wouldn’t expect you to know what “ad hominem” means.

          1. Omnes ad stercus!
            Toute la bouse! Is more fun to say….

            Bouse est femme?
            J’ai hâte que la philosophie éveillée supprime le genre de la langue française…. J’ai ux crayon. Ouvrez lx fenêtre!

    1. Glad to see you support charging minorities even more for health insurance because they’re somehow “impure” and spread diseases. We should probably ban them from using public water fountains, too, and I’m sure the CDC and the Biden Administration will soon suggest that.

    2. Another observation from the wife is nearly a third needing care at her hospital right now are non-revenue, meaning they have no means to pay for their care. They have no insurance, no significant means of income, no savings. Some don’t even have citizenship identification that would allow anyone to find them to collect fees. However, the hospital is required by law to treat all patients, and they all get the same level of care regardless of ability to pay. That law was on the books before anyone heard the name Barack Obama.

      But sure, fascist believe they can control people by controlling industry. And Obama took over the healthcare industry by taking over insurance companies that “pay” for healthcare. I put “pay” in quotes, because as Engineer notes, the insurance companies don’t actually pay anything. To get the insurance company’s support, Obama put a premium on low deductible insurance. Most people who have insurance have to rack up over $5000 a year in medical bills before their insurance company pays anything other than a yearly physical. For a disease that is mostly symptom treated like a flu; even going to a hospital emergency room rather than a primary care physician, you won’t rack up costs over $5000.

      Sure, COVID does cause a minority of patients to have critical breathing problems requiring highly expensive ICU level of care. Fascist can claim insurance companies shouldn’t cover critical care.

      Go for it Engineer, see what happens next. First you expect people to pay thousands in premiums each year. Then you expect them to pay $5000 in deductible before insurance kicks in. Now you’ll have insurance not pay for the stuff that costs over $5000? You are aware there is no longer a mandate?

      Frankly, your argument is hollow and meaningless. It has a lot of rhetoric, but one look at data shows it to be vapid. This is why Rand is right to call it diarrhea. It’s a bunch of shit splattered on his blog pretending to be something solid. The only thing consistent in the argument is your love of classical fascism: the government control of industry to control the masses. Indeed, thank you for showing that fact so simply.

      1. My deductible is over $8k, which I was assured by a former commenter would never happen as out of pocket costs were capped much lower.

        It just goes to show that healthcare can never be a right because it is impossible to give everyone the level of care Biden or DNC party chiefs get.

    1. I wonder what would have happened if Fauci had not defied Obama’s orders to cease funding of gain of function research.

      1. It’s unclear Fauci was a lone gun on this issue. It runs much deeper than just what NIH/NIAID was interested in. Dr. Fauci might end up taking Brennan’s bullet as well as his own by lining up in front rather than to the side. Public face of Science and all that. Not that I feel sorry for Dr. Fauci. He should have called it quits after he turned around his image on AIDS. History will not be kind to him around SARS-CoV-2.


        1. “As the pandemic rages on, the worst possible thing is for the rumor mill to latch onto uncertainties and convince more people that the voice of science is not to be trusted. COVID-19 may have begun in a lab, or not. Either way, the only thing that remains certain is that science will be the brightest light guiding us out of the pandemic. Since there will be plenty of time to divvy blame later, I implore that we stay focused on the monumental task at hand without getting bogged down in the politicization of science”

          This bit is rather self serving lol.

          1. and convince more people that the voice of science is not to be trusted.
            What this earnest commenter remains unconvinced of, is the necessity of the voice of science having a Brooklyn accent….

          2. This is supposed to be a ‘appy occasion! Let’s not bicker and argue about ‘oo killed ‘oo!

  6. If some gummint @sshole shows up at my door and asks why I haven’t been vaccinated / offers to stick a needle in me, my answer is NO; I don’t trust you bastards; AND get off my property.


  7. Revelations 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

    16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

  8. Wow, what a screed. Bio says author is a comedian. So, this was supposed to be satire then. Ha ha…I guess. Some people have strange senses of humor.

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