8 thoughts on “Vaccine Mandates For Cops”

  1. Wodun implies the concern I have. When the “average” cops depart, the “sub-par” cops will be on hand to train the “stooges”.

    1. I can just see neighborhood watch groups or HOAs hiring some of the cops that quit as private police for their neighborhoods.

      High end of avg cop pay in KC is $67k. Divide that by 50 houses and that is $1340 per home owner per year to meet that salary. Round up to $2000 to cover vehicle and equipment. Problem solved.

      1. Most places, sherrif’s deputies already wear brown shirts. We had a situation here, where the deputies came and arrested townie cops who were causing trouble outside their jurisdiction.

        1. Sheriffs seem to be holding the line. Maybe because they are more accountable to the people that elect them.

    2. “Wodun implies the concern I have. When the “average” cops depart, the “sub-par” cops will be on hand to train the “stooges”.”

      Not to worry…the “sub-par” cops and their equally well trained by such “stooges” will largely be protected from the consequences for their shall we say “enthusiasm” for their work by qualified immunity:

      “Without any oral arguments, briefing on the merits, or written dissents, the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday overturned two lower court decisions that denied qualified immunity for police officers accused of deploying excessive force in California and Oklahoma. First created by the High Court nearly 40 years ago, qualified immunity is a legal shield that protects law enforcement officers, as well as other government employees, from being sued for violating a person’s constitutional rights, unless those rights were “clearly established.”

      Worse, victims of government abuse face a vicious Catch-22: The law must be clearly established for an officer to be denied qualified immunity, yet courts can grant qualified immunity without ever deciding if the right exists, thus not making it clearly established. In its twin unsigned rulings, the Supreme Court re-emphasized that cases involving split-second decisions must include almost identical facts and strongly suggested it could make overcoming qualified immunity in those types of excessive-force cases even more difficult.”

      Supreme Court Defends Qualified Immunity In Police Shooting, Excessive Force Cases


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