14 thoughts on “Senolytics Breakthrough”

  1. A quick reading of that linked article seems to indicate that the researchers believe that high fat diets and atherosclerosis go together. Maybe in mice bred for research tasks.
    Probably garbage is my take.
    Have we really ever come up with any life extension therapy that is proven to work?
    The ones that work are things like modern sanitation and water supply, avoiding service in any military or war, etc. Maybe we get more healthy 90 year olds that way but few 110 year olds seem to be around.
    The way Elon seems to have been red pilled lately I’m expecting him to realise that the AGW thing is garbage and the whole mass market electric cars thing likewise. Reality seems to be biting him.

  2. There have been other studies where they’ve tested rodents on a “high protein / high fat” diet (notably the linked one from the influential book “The China Study”). The problem is the kind of animal protein they’re feeding them. In this one, it was almost exclusively Casien and vegetable oil. Casien is a milk protein, used in supplements, but not found as a major food source in the real world past infancy. And large quantities of vegetable oil (a laboratory-developed Franken-food), isn’t good for you either. It was like they purposely poisoned the poor creatures in order to claim that veganism is better.

    1. I recently saw a nutritionist that said casein protein powder is a great source of protein because it is more digestible for certain amino acids than other versions. Perhaps the issue lies with the vegetable oil.

  3. My low-fat friends are dying like flies these days,mainly from atherosclerosis and such, while I continue to live primarily on fatty beef and butter and sour cream. I have no sign of heart disease so far (at 71). On the other hand, I am developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Probably from my other dietary component, ibuprofen. It’s always something.

    1. I know someone who was nearly killed by liver disease due to long-term use of ibuprofen. You didn’t ask but I would suggest switching to something safer like curcumin or morphine.

      1. More serious is my addiction to H1 and H2 antagonist antihistamines. My doctor noted much of my “functionality” is from the ibuprofen. If I can rebuild enough core muscle this coming year, I may be able to back off the Advil. At least I don’t need a cane to get in and out of my car anymore.

  4. Grape Seed Extract PCC1 Extends Lifespan | Review By Modern Healthspan

    In this video we walk through a study of a possible new senolytic, PCC1, or Procyanadine C1, a component of Grape Seed Oil. By acting as a senolytic this increased the lifespan of mice by 9%. As a senolytic it also seems to have higher efficacy across a wider range of senescent cell types and to be less toxic to healthy cells. PCC1 is a natural compound that is found in grape seed oil.


  5. In evolutionary biology, where you gain some function that enhances longevity, there is a typically a corresponding loss of function, somewhere else, that would have enhanced longevity, in different circumstances. The old advantage gets lost in the gene pool as the new advantage is overwhelmingly bred in. It’s kinda zero sum.

    1. The abstract makes that very disclaimer in the second sentence, “However, most senolytic agents inhibit antiapoptotic pathways, raising the possibility of off-target effects in normal tissues.” In other words, if we reduce the rate of senescence, we increase the likelihood you will get cancer.

      1. “Doctor, I have a bad cold.”
        “Nothing we can do for that.”
        “There must be *something!*”
        “Okay, take your clothes off, soak your feet in a bucket of ice water, and sit in front of an open window.”
        “I’ll catch pneumonia!”
        “That we can cure.”

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