10 thoughts on “A True Covid Vaccine?”

  1. So far as I’ve been able to determine, they’ve only tested the vaccine on two genders. That highly limited test pool will have to be greatly expanded before they can roll it out, and as the article mentioned, it’s hard to find research subjects who are unvaccinated and never infected. I imagine that most all of the rarer genders are on the 13th booster by now, so this new vaccine may end up stuck in testing indefinitely, as it wouldn’t be fair to only let two genders use it and deny it to the rest.

    1. Should we pepper you with links of Democrats calling for the execution, firing, and denial of medical treatment to people they hate?

      Perhaps if Democrats didn’t shut down all the doctors offices there wouldn’t be so many people who either put off treatment or were denied service now seeking emergency care?

      Aren’t you guys supposed to be the civil minded party of love and tolerance who think healthcare is a right? Healthcare isn’t a right if your access to it is determined by the Progressive Stack.

  2. I was in the trial registry for this until it was suspended earlier in the autumn. Never got to screen into it. Thanks for posting the link. It looks like it has been given a second shot on goal. Unlike the other EUA vaccines, this one actually produced the traditional protective immunity in their preclinical animal models. Using a modified ferritin molecule is a brilliant approach to extending durability of the immune response since the body want to keep ferritin around rather than excreting it (ferritin is your iron storage protein.)

    1. “I was in the trial registry for this until it was suspended earlier in the autumn.”

      Why would they stop something like this short of the vaccine’s side effects being horrible?

      1. Finite budget and enrollment issues. Everyone here is smart, so using only three links from publicly available materials.

        Clinical trial inclusion criteria – age 18 to 55, healthy body mass index, naïve candidates with no prior exposure to SARS-CoV-2 or having been jabbed with any other EUA or developmental vaccine, must participate out to day 181.

        Army’s own vaccine that could fight COVID variants begins clinical trials

        Secretary Austin Orders All Military to Undergo EUA Vaccination.

  3. “The vaccine’s human trials took longer than expected, he said, because the lab needed to test the vaccine on subjects who had neither been vaccinated nor previously infected with COVID.”

    Did Engineer even read the article? Medical progress is being held back by Democrats demented lust for dominion over the actions of humans.

  4. COVID is a hoax, Rand – you of all people should know that. So what exactly is this vaccinating against?

    Also, we’re scared of the common cold now? My how Transterrestrial Musings has fallen. I’d say I’m waiting to hear what pronouns you prefer, but I don’t think I’ll stick around that long!

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