6 thoughts on “America Sticks Out Its Tush”

  1. While he is correct, he also overlooks the major changes taking place that enable an alternative to Progressive Marxist control over society. It is hard to say how things will turn out but Twitter isn’t representative of society and neither are our media or education system.

    One day our Progressive Marxist friends may wake up and find they have lost control of their pillars of domination, assuming people are out their who chose to take action to make that happen. They know this and is why they are realizing their authoritarian potential before being fully in control and it might backfire on them.

    The Democrats are a splintered party united by fear and hatred but the ability to communicate means there is a chance they get exposed to reality and learn those they hate are actually nice enough people and that while there will always be worry, living in apocalyptic fear during the best time to ever be alive isnt a fulfilling way to go through life.

    Democrat ideology is designed to collapse on itself. That is revolutionary theory in action. The question is who takes over after.

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