6 thoughts on “New Archaeological Tools”

  1. Another also not new development is lidar and they recently did lidar mapping in Washington that are proving to be helpful in unraveling the stories of the megafloods. The maps are visually stunning, very cool.

    1. At the end of the last period of glaciation, there were a bunch of floods, some of them megafloods. The scale is hard to comprehend, even when standing on a mountain overlooking where the floods came through.

      One of them, glacial lake missoula’s ice dam gave way and the flood went from Montana to the Columbia river and creating massive topographic changes along the way as the soil was removed down to the bassalt creating the channeled scablands. But there were other mega flood events as well as smaller ones.

      Harlan Bretz is credited with the discovery and it was very controversial at the time going against settled science.

      Any number of great videos on youtube, Nick Zenter has a ton, and the ice age flood institute has a bunch of information on their site. Pop up a map of Washington and you can easily trace the floods coming from the East but also from the north.

      The new lidar maps are helping find channels and flood events that there wasn’t as much evidence for.

  2. I’m pretty sure that archaeologists have been avidly examining aerial photographs since someone took a camera up on a balloon. In fact, documenting neolithic settlement not in caves is one of the primary uses. Settlements built of organic material like wood and animal skins don’t leave much trace unless they’re protected by something like a cave. Oddly, the post holes remain and often show up from the air.

    1. Charles Lindbergh flew the Spirit of St. Louis to Central and South America on a goodwill flight back in 1927 or 28. He reported seeing ancient ruins from the air that were not easily visible from the ground. Some of them had not yet been discovered by archaeologists.

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