4 thoughts on “Reducing Heart-Attack Risk”

  1. We may be treating something that is not even a symptom (or sign), just a natural sequala. We infer that since atherosclerosis has cholesterol in it that cholesterol is the cause, or even bad….


    I have quite revolutionary attitudes about things like hypertension. (high blood pressure).

    Could it possibly be a natural response to natural aging and dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system (that controls BP)?

    My hypothesis is that as we age, the autonomic nervous system gets worn, leading to low BP and falling, etc. Hypertension is a natural response to correct this.

    If I tried to study that, I’d be crucified….

  2. With respect to your comment about LDL, I have begun hearing about an LDL particle size test that zeroes in on just how bad the LDL cholesterol actually is. Apparently some types of LDL particles are worse than others (the smaller particles are associated with higher health risk), and the standard test alone won’t provide that kind of detail. In fact what I was hearing was that many doctors do not yet know how to interpret the particle size test. I am going to get my annual physical in August and I intend to investigate that further, even though I have been very fortunate genetically to have low cholesterol my entire life.

  3. High levels of Vitamin C is critical to keep the arterial walls flexible so that they don’t harden and develop cracks that then get filled with spackle, I mean cholesterol. The minimum daily amount of Vit C was based on what is necessary to prevent scurvy. But scurvy is the worst case. There are other things that go wrong prior to that which are not as obvious, hardening of the arteries being one.

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