5 thoughts on “Affirmative Action”

    1. Yes, all they really say in that entire article is “yes but it is not as bad as what we did to the Jews”.

      True, but idiotic. A crime does not cease to be a crime because you can find a worse example crime.

  1. Even if the Supreme Court rules against it, I suspect colleges will find new ways to do it while pretending they’re not. The endgame may require legislation to truly bring it under control.

  2. At schools other than Harvard, race may play less of a role in getting accepted because most schools aren’t that hard to get into and there is a lot of overlap in the abilities of students of all races but it certainly plays a role in the resources and opportunities students get after acceptance.

    That race plays less of a role in admissions for these schools for those reasons, performance after acceptance should also be similar enough that institutional racism need not be applied to students via the progressive stack. However, should these special programs, opportunities, and financing, be shown to have a beneficial impact relative to their discriminated against peers, it is evidence that these benefits should be open to everyone.

    Do female students benefit from all of the special attention they get? Shouldn’t all student get similar levels of attention?

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