One thought on “The Covid Cult”

  1. There have been a number of studies that were recently released that showed the more vaccinations people received the more likely they were to get COVID, that the vaccinated were more likely to get re-infected with COVID than the unvaccinated with natural immunity, and that there were rates of serious complications far far higher than other vaccines that had been pulled from the market in the past for having side effects.

    However, one of the studies that showed that the more doses someone had also had more cases of COVID also showed that early on, vaccinated people were less likely to get COVID. Why a vaccine that was initially successful but later reduced the ability to fight off infection vs doing nothing at all is a question that needs answered.

    Now that the censorship has cooled a little, Drs and scientists feel more comfortable in dealing with this topic since their lives aren’t as at great of risk as they were a year ago.

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