7 thoughts on “The Woke Bell Tolls”

    1. That was my very first thought, David. As the guy who published Atlas Shrugged, he would certainly stop this nonsense.

      1. Interestingly enough, according to the Wikipedia* bio on Cerf, he published Ayn Rand even though he vehemently disagreed with her philosophy of Objectivisim. And yet they also remained good friends! Back in the days when liberals were truly liberal. Not the censorious facists that so-called “progressives” call themselves today. I agree with you. Doubt that Cerf would put up with wokeism nor much of Critical Theory either.

        *Always administer along with a grain of salt.

        1. I wonder of Ayn Rand was ever on “What’s My Line?” as a mystery guest? Worth checking to see….

          1. Not through 1967. Interestingly enough though, there were mystery guests Chuck Yeager and Mrs. Cerf!

  1. “FO…” is just an example of a declarative ‘short” sentence.

    It is in no way intended to be a declarative opinion, estimation, or certainty.

    Humor exists here.

    Three sentences later.

    I, myself, have learned from kicking in the door here.

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