8 thoughts on “Joe Biden’s Brain”

  1. He was showing signs of dementia during his campaign…..

    It hasn’t gotten any better.

      1. “I tied an onion to my belt, which was the fashion at the time.”

        Grandpa Simpson employed as a strike-breaker security guard at the Burns’ nuclear power plant, where the elderly “scab” guards drove the picketing workers into submission by telling boring stories.

        1. “It’s not that [some parents] don’t want to help. They don’t know what quite to do: Play the radio, make sure the television… make sure you have the record player on at night.”

  2. The only thing the creators of The Simpsons, got wrong about the presidency in the early 2020s was that it wasn’t Lisa Simpson becoming the President after Trump, but Grandpa Simpson.

  3. So how long before we have indictments for a hunter Biden and the rest of Joe Biden’s crime family?

    “Members of President Biden’s family may have accepted in excess of $40 million from foreign nationals in exchange for favorable policy decisions, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer suggested Wednesday.”

    “The Oversight Committee chairman explained that as recently as “in the last five days” his panel has obtained banking statements and suspicious activity reports that show “more bank accounts, more shell companies and more Bidens” being involved in the family’s overseas influence peddling scheme. ”


    What are we waiting for? Approximately $40 million in payments made to a fake company for nonexistent services rendered.

  4. “‘HE TOOK THE MONEY’ FBI Witness STUMPED After Ted Cruz CONFRONTS Him Over Biden’s Bribe Allegations”


    Apparently the FBI allegedly has recordings of Joe Biden accepting a 5 million dollar bribe; recordings that they (the FBI) will neither affirm or deny. Because they are the FBI; they can do whatever they bloody well please and their is nothing you can do about it Senator Cruz…

    from comments: “Not going to comment on an on going investigation”, the problem is they’re not investigating!!”
    And getting away with it.

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