12 thoughts on “That Breastfeeding Bloke”

  1. Rand, it seems like every other day I browse to your site, and the top headline has weird capitalization. Just a few seconds to review before you hit post would help…

  2. I’m deeply worried that it will come to violence, and not in a small way. These lunatics think they’ve got normies on the run, but FAFO still rules.

    1. It already has. Our friends to the left have employed organized violence since OWS and stepped it up starting in 2015. More violence is assured and it could get much worse when the DNC starts staffing police departments with party operatives.

  3. What is supposed to be the problem here? Give them rope and visibility, and this set of “cultural elite” will be history by their own actions.

    There’s no need for violence when one has light.

    1. They already have lots of visibility as nearly all of media caters to their viewpoint and celebrates it.

      1. Seriously, I don’t believe this is a case for conflict. The principles of Judo apply here – let the opponent make their mistakes with all that publicity. And second, it’ll benefit almost everyone (can’t say whether those cultural elites will benefit from the outcome), including the people undergoing this nuttiness.

        1. OK, but judo implies fighting and an intentional strategy. Do nothing and hope for the best isn’t judo.

          I agree that exposure is bad for their cause.

  4. Have any of you heard about chairs?

    You have heard the struggle over what a woman is but have you heard about chairs? Just wait until you hear about chairs.

    Things are only just getting started.

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