6 thoughts on “Commercial Space Legislation”

  1. How about telling the FAA and Commerce to stay the hell out of Commercial Space Flight, altogether?

    1. I think the primary reason for FAA regulation is to keep companies from launching and re-entering rockets that crash on top of peoples homes. Outside of that, I don’t know what more is needed. As far as Commerce is needed, only to keep companies from firing missiles at each others vessels in space without consequence back on Earth. And to sign treaty agreements to keep countries from doing the same. That’s about it.

      1. Yes yes of course, don’t fly private planes and commercial jetliners through launch and re-entry corridors during exclusion times either… It’s worse than illegal. It’s not smart. Of course, that doesn’t always deter some folks.

  2. Great idea, Doc. All these government bodies have convinced everyone aviation wouldn’t be safe without their meddling but the real reason it is as safe as it is is that the human race has learned how to do it over the last 120+ years. Nearly 130 years if you count Otto Lilienthal and I think we should.

    1. Let the businesses insurance companies decide what is safe, and set the market rate for technology

  3. God, I hope they extend the learning period. Part 450 was specifically supposed to streamline the licensing of launches and entries. It wasn’t finalized until after I left FAA/AST, but I could see the direction it was going and knew it would do the opposite of its stated intent. Under an unrealistic deadline to issue the reg, the AST people basically just threw in anything they thought necessary for “safety” so that nothing bad would ever happen. An overbearing regulation is the inevitable result of the regulation either being rushed (as 450 was), or done ahead of any industry experience.

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