9 thoughts on “Defanging The Russian Nuclear Threat”

  1. Alternative title: “Joe Biden Should Raise the Stakes to Global Nuclear War, Because What’s the Worst That Could Happen?”.

    The best time for the West to act was 1918. The second best time was 1945.

  2. From the article..“Yet the Biden administration and many allied governments worry that success of the Ukrainian offensive could imperil Russia’s hold on Crimea, which Secretary of State Antony Blinken termed a Russian red line that could precipitate nuclear escalation.”

    The success of the Ukrainian offensive??? This article is just more fear-mongering by the West.

    1. Indeed. It’s just one of those narratives intended to help “break the West’s will to continue” by sowing FUD. If Russia was inclined to use nukes, they would have by now. And with how much of a mess they’ve made, they should be more worried about China’s will to take Russian territory than the West’s will to intervene in Ukraine.

      Finally, this threat is all due to the growing weakness and instability of Russia and Putin’s position in it. We can’t fix that even by giving them Ukraine on a silver platter. There’s no point to trying either since this war and the continued threats of nuclear war are a foreshadowing of what appeasement would bring.

  3. If we had left the old Soviet nukes in Ukraine in 1992, this argument would have already sorted itself out.

  4. The rapid deployment of an invasion force to capture and hold a few Russian cities along the western border to be used as bargaining chips for a negotiated settlement. Doubtful Russia would use nukes on its own cities. But it’s a dicey, very dicey proposition. Better to seek a negotiated settlement now. But that seems beyond the Biden Administration’s equitable and diverse inclusiveness.

  5. “Foreseeing Escalation Risks

    The next few months of the war in Ukraine are going to be increasingly dangerous, as desperation increases in both Ukraine and Russia. ”

    This was obvious from the start. Deterrence works best when we are not personally involved because it is a lot less complicated.

    “As the war enters its most dangerous phase, those of us least likely to suffer damage need to…”

    This sums up the whole cheerleading effort, detached from the ugly realities of the war.

  6. Ukraine v. Russia for some time has felt like a “Mexican Standoff”.

    No one is likely to win.

    Negotiations are the new power play.

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