3 thoughts on “Room-Temperature Superconductors”

  1. I remember having fun with YBCO back in the 80’s. I did the exact same experiment shown in this article’s picture but with the superconductor bathed in liquid nitrogen and a samarium cobalt magnet suspended above it put in rotation. We did it in the lab at work. Totally unrelated to the job but an interesting distraction. Folks were suitably impressed. The most fun was obtaining the liquid nitrogen. The industrial gas supply house provided us with a rental Dewar, which even as a rental, cost us far more than the nitrogen. The woman running the place to a quick look at the two of us twenty-somethings and said, “You guys aren’t going to freeze mice with this are you?” We assured her no animals would be harmed by our experiments.

  2. I feel like I rode this Rollercoaster 20 years ago, with lots of its and maybe bumps and turns. Turned out not to be a satisfying ride. Just sayn

  3. Quote from U of Maryland’s Director of Condensed Matter Theory Center sourced from The Register:

    I do not believe that LK-99 is a superconductor because of the overwhelming amount of experimental data that have come out during the last two weeks from all over the world showing beyond any reasonable doubt that it is not a superconductor. This is my professional opinion based on my many years of research expertise in superconductivity.

    Looks like the jig is up.

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