One thought on “Republicans Reaching Out To Blacks”

  1. If Blacks just reflexively vote democrat (or not at al)l they are denying themselves effectively a seat at the table regardless of which party is in power. Dems won’t do much for them because they know you will vote for them regardless; just throw out rhetoric about “proud boys”, “racism”, Jim-crow” etc. and they will fall in line. If they complain later about how little things have improved for them just say “well…it would be worse under republicans” (or just blame the republicans even if it is a democrat run city/state for decades). The republicans feel why bother to make any substantial effort to court the black vote by trying to make a positive difference for blacks, since they won’t significantly vote for them no matter what anyway. In addition the dems are in the process of trying to replace blacks (~12-13% of the population even smaller slice of the electorate) with what they hope will be their new much larger pet minority, the Hispanics (especially 1st generation/or illegals). They hope “owning” the Hispanic vote will be their (the dems) ticket to one party rule; hence the open borders.

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