12 thoughts on “Learning The Lessons From The Thirties”

  1. Something I cannot effectively convey to some in my family, and other Jews, who insist that “The Law” will protect them – EVERYTHNG done to the Jews in the 20th Century, was 100% legal at the time. The Jewish Laws in Germany, the Pogroms in Russia, the Warsaw Ghetto, the death camps….all were legal under the laws in place.

    My immediate family and I have decided that getting on a bus, a truck, a rail car to go to a camp is not a survivable experience, and we will not go. Because that is within our laws: The basic human right to exist and defend ourselves from those who would dispute that.

    We cannot rely on others “Laws”: We will rely on the Almighty’s laws. Never again

    1. “The Jewish Laws in Germany, the Pogroms in Russia, the Warsaw Ghetto, the death camps..”

      If the Jews of Nazi Germany had been armed to say approx. the level of Texans, no it wouldn’t have stopped the Nazis but it might have slowed them down. Every train derailed every armed resistance cell that had to be crushed with expenditure of time/effort every disruption of the death train(s) “timetable” would have saved lives. After all the “reich” didn’t have all the time in the world, they were fighting a war on two fronts (and rapidly collapsing after say ’43; especially on the “eastern front”.) Every soldier/unit that had to be pulled from the eastern front to deal with armed Jewish cells striking back anyway they can would have hastened said collapse. Look what the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto did with little more than small arms (with little ammo) an “molotov cocktails” against the Waffen SS.

      1. And consider the early bloodshed when the Nazi regime was just getting started. The Night of the Long Knives might have gone very different, if the many targets of that purge were shooting back. Same with Kristallnacht even though it was much later. Finally, if Jews had been in the habit of shooting back in the Weimar Republic days during riots prior to the domination of the Nazis, the Nazis might not have taken over at all.

        The position of the Nazi Party wasn’t always assured. Maybe some backbone in the beginning might have prevented a lot of things later on.

  2. I occasionally hear people talk about how guns will eventually go away… and then stuff like this happens. Gun control advocacy probably permanently lost tens of thousands of supporters just like that.

    If police were really good at tracking down criminals, preventing mass shootings, and so on, then the gun control side might have won this debate. But they aren’t. The stale tactic of belittling Second Amendment supporters isn’t working out.

    Movements like gun ownership are in substantial part reactionary – they react to large, ongoing problems. If you want to win against such a movement, you solve well enough those problems to dampen the reaction. Instead, there’s a complete disinterest in even acknowledging the problems.

    Opposition to government spending is another classic example. Sure, there’s a small minority out there for which any level of taxes above zero is too much. But they’d have a lot less friends, if government spending wasn’t such a dumpster fire. Yet you find that the people most in favor of higher taxes are completely disinterested in what those taxes get spent on. Again, a refusal to acknowledge the problem that drives the opposition.

    1. Since Florida in the early 1990s made shall-issue licensing a thing, and more than half of the other states joined in, there is active evidence that the gun-banners are full of crap in their assertations that the streets will run with blood, etc….

      Except in some enclaves like NY, Il and CA I dare say that everybody knows an overt gun owner (there are likely many more who are still keeping gun ownership on the downlow). And it turns out they are not psychopathic murderers.

  3. When someone wants what you have and is willing to use violence to get it, you might have to defend yourself. The legal system punishes criminals, it doesn’t foresee the future. Sometimes their system of threatening punishment doesn’t scare off the perp. When this occurs, you are on your own.
    If you cannot outrun the perp, you need the tools to turn and stand your ground. A gun is just one of these tools.

  4. If you are going to carry, get well trained. There are many gun clubs and organizations that will help you, even in the bluest of blue states.

    And above all else be prepared for what happens in the awful event you have to use it with the next to worse possible outcome, you had to take a life to save yours or a loved one. Normally I don’t spam so instead of a link, search for the USCCA. They will not only insure you when most insurance companies cowardly run away, but train you for the legalities that follow, esp. how to handle yourself AFTER the police arrive. There will be court time. Be prepared.

    1. Well said.

      I was pleased that the new gun owners in this article were approaching the whole thing so rationally – rather than just buying a firearm and “feeling safe”, they were systematic about having training as an intrinsic part of the purchase and ownership process.

      I’ve been shooting for over 60 years, and owned my first rifle at the age of 10. Nevertheless, I still get professional training periodically, and always learn something from it. The Virginia concealed carry course I took was the first time I had received instruction in self-defense with a firearm. It was an excellent course, and a real eye-opener. Even if you don’t have a gun, it’s worth taking such a course just to see how difficult it would be to defend yourself even if you are armed.

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