3 thoughts on “In Which Trump Is A Fool”

  1. In 2016 I returned to voting with the hope that Trump would take a wrecking ball to the bloated beltway institutions. All he did was staff his administration with those same insiders.

    Trump still doesn’t get why many of us voted for him with stupid comments like this about the FBI.

    That said, I will still vote for him simply because the deep state fears him so much.

  2. C’mon, people.

    You know the FBI isn’t go anywhere. OK, it is going somewhere, to suburban Maryland, I guess, to the consternation of the Virginia governor.

    What Mr. Trump is saying is that if we are going to have an FBI, it should actually do something useful, say, like reducing street crime in our Nation’s Capital. I mean there is a DC police, I guess, and it isn’t the role of the FBI to patrol the streets, but you get the idea.

    Don’t know if the details of what he wants makes sense, but it is populist in the sense of Washington politicians ought to send their sons and daughters to DC public schools kind of populism.

  3. One of Trump’s known failings is his dependence on hyperbolic rhetoric. It’s going to be an interesting year.

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