15 thoughts on “Screams Before Silence”

  1. I’ve always have had mixed feelings about seeing documentaries like this. This image, of an dissection table at Vught has never left me.

    In the United States, our failed educational system, has left us with a generation of historically ignorant, 20 something children. I’m ashamed.

    1. They are Man’s….And they cling to me, appealing from their fathers. The boy is Ignorance. The girl is Want. Beware of them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased… – Dickens

    2. The Hamas love isn’t technically a failure of the education system, it’s a desired outcome therefore a “success”.

      1. The inability to see the obvious parallels between Hamas and the NSDAP is a failure of the educational system.

        1. As far as I can tell there is no difference between “From the River to the Sea” and “Blood and Soil”.

  2. I can’t watch it or any of the videos from that day. I’ve seen enough and seeing it all again wont change how I think but would make me depressed.

    I’ve been successful in pushing those memories away but there is one video that that sticks with me and won’t go away.

    I don’t know how anyone, especially Americans, could support Hamas. Not liking what is going on in the war is understandable but dislike shouldn’t manifest as support for Hamas.

    1. Nothing shows more that you are “anti-war” than taking the side of a culture in which a war is started by committing atrocities that would normally be considered war crimes when committed by any other culture. We should be grateful for these so-called protests, as they show that our higher education system is producing moral monsters.

      1. Nothing shows more that you are “anti-war” than taking the side of a culture in which a war is started by committing atrocities that would normally be considered war crimes when committed by any other culture.

        It is war by that culture too. Hamas and their allies wouldn’t passively accept it if Israel had done that to Gaza. So they’re taking the side of a culture that deliberately started a war by their own standards.

        One excuse I’ve heard for the double standard is that Hamas (actually was referring to Iran explicitly) is “irrational” and Israel is “rational” with the rational party always having to kowtow to the irrational party because the irrational party can’t be expected to make any changes. When I point out that because of the October 7 attack Israel is now “irrational” by that dumb metric, they don’t like the argument for some reason.

    1. “Unfortunately, the Jewish caucus just wasn’t willing to denounce genocide,”

      When these students now identify most strongly with the University Party, that opens the doors to the halls of power in America, this last 120 years, why expect anything else?? While they expect their degrees to give them what a thousand seders will not, they will not denounce whatever funds the university.

  3. How anyone can imagine that Israel can allow Hamas to remain in power after this boggles my mind.

    Or rather how can Israel manage as a democracy with Hamas remaining in power?

    For me the tell was a bunch of people protesting Israel’s response as genocide within 24 hours of the Hamas attack. Like anyone would know what was going on that quickly.

    1. The left never sleeps.

      It was interesting watching Israeli leftists coordinate with the Democrats and our government to overthrow the Israeli government. I don’t think they have given up but that first push failed.

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