White liberals and black people are asked whether voter ID laws are racist.
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) August 29, 2024
This is one of the greatest videos ever.pic.twitter.com/jpt6WAbx91
White liberals and black people are asked whether voter ID laws are racist.
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) August 29, 2024
This is one of the greatest videos ever.pic.twitter.com/jpt6WAbx91
Ah, Ami Horowitz’ classic video.
I am of the opinion that government ID documents should be issued for purpose and restricted to that purpose. Using “social security” (retirement pension) ID numbers for general purpose federal ID bothers me. Using “driver license” ID, ditto.
I’m old. I remember when registration to vote was a process of verifying several details, not least of which was which precinct or district one lived in and so would be voting in. I know of a literal “edge case” where a voter owned a residence and acreage on the south side of a section road, but the rural mail route mail box, house number and zip code were on the north side. He needed to vote where he lived, not where he got mail. Voters who temporarily reside away to attend school, or do military service, or — I dunno — drive the bus to make a Hollywood movie or tour with a rock ‘n roll band; need to establish both physical address where they intend to vote AND a mailing address where they do government business. The drivers license and mailing address and federal tax records don’t determine voters’ registration authority. And the IDs shouldn’t be assumed to match.
Otherwise, a student might well decide to register and vote, twice: once at college and once at his childhood (and parents’) address. A wealthy person — say Donald Trump? — might vote at his vacation home in Florida and again at his townhome in New York. The bus driver might register at every state along his regular route and vote many times. A well designed federal registration process and databank would prevent this sort of shenanigan. We do NOT have anything close to a well designed process.
Without integrity of voting process, the integrity of the elected government is open to legitimate doubt.
The whole debate over voter ID is making the US a bit of a laughingstock internationally (when we’re not giggling about your ‘president’). Most everywhere else voter ID AND verification just taken as a given – how else can there be legitimate fair elections?
I like the one girl’s statement that some people are convicted felons and convicted felons aren’t allowed to vote and if we had voter ID that convicted felons would be prevented from voting.
How can we get criminals elected without convicted felons voting for them?
Democrats have a big enough margin in the cities that they can get elected even without the convicted felon vote.
Because who counts the votes is more important than who actually votes.
This has certainly been demonstrated many times in many places.