7 thoughts on “Another Barrier Falls”

  1. Despite the amazing efforts to date to provide a diverse, equitable and inclusive fire department, LA County specifically, and CA and the US in general still lag far behind in providing department outreach to the pyromanic community.

    The obvious benefits include reducing the chances of co-morbidity and mood disorder in the community. Plus providing the departments that hire them almost an unlimited amount of training opportunities.

    1. Are you kidding? Firefighters are often pyromaniacs – especially in economically deprived areas where they start wildfires to boost the economy – as casual firefighters, or in support services.

      And they’re the guys to go camping with! They get those campfires started in a jiffy.

    2. If you’ll look, you’ll see his nametag reads “LARSON”, but the shirt is draped a bit so the L is de-emphasized. It’s almost like the Bee was going for a little in-joke there.

      DuckAssist sez “The name Larson is relatively uncommon as a first name, ranking around 4840 in U.S. births, with most instances being used as a surname.” and i’m going to suggest that “relatively uncommon” is not the most accurate phrase to describe “the nearly 5000th-most-common name in the US.”

  2. I noticed the title, and basically fell for it until I saw who the link was to.

    It was just too darn believable, given the mess in California.

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