9 thoughts on “A Civilizational Fork In The Road”

  1. About those AI generated pictures of life on Mars and on the spaceship to Mars.

    What happened to the Spandex jumpsuits? I thought that space travellers were required to wear them.

    Also, at the dinner party on the journey to Mars, there must be a fierce level of rotation to keep the lady and her wheelchair from floating around the room.

    Another the other hand, maybe the lady doesn’t need a wheelchair to get around in microgravity? Maybe she could use forearm crutches to get around in Mars gravity?

  2. “Trump’s victory is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition to saving America, and quite possibly the world. It will take years of unrelenting effort to make sure that we do, in fact, take that fork. So enjoy the celebration, and then get to work.”

    I was saying something like this the other day.

    Trump’s victory doesn’t mean everything is ok because things are not ok. It means we have the chance to work toward making things ok. Nothing is fated, life is hard, and we live in a chaotic world surrounded by danger. There will be setbacks but on the balance, we will enter the era of generation.

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