6 thoughts on “The Final Corruption Of Joe Biden”

  1. There needs to be an amendment where pardons would need to be confirmed by 40% of the Senate. These last minute pardons where there is little consequence for doing so is simply asking to be politicized and abused. If a president can’t even get their own party to agree with the pardon then maybe there is something wrong with it. e.g. Would Clinton have been able to get most all of his party to go on record and vote to pardon Marc Rich? Would Clinton have even tried?

    1. Just limit pardon power between Election Day and Inauguration Day. Or pardons during that period don’t take effect until 21 January, with new president’s approval. That should be the real 28th Amendment. Call it the Biden Amendment.

      Maybe a few other limitations on things like Executive Orders. Probably not workable, but would be interesting to give the incoming President some sort of veto authority. (Would have to push the certification to be earlier than 06 January. Then again, “The World’s 5th Largest Economy” should be able to figure out how to count all ballots within 5 days of the election day, not drag it on for five weeks.)

  2. Did anyone ever see the movie “The Seduction of Joe Tynan”?

    My Big Sis dragged me to see what on her college campus was considered an insightful “art flic” at the time (1979, if you are asking). It has Meryl Streep in it, so it has to be a serious movie.

    Actor Alan Alda, hip, reflexively moralistic and pompous (see Woody Allen’s take down of Alan Alda in Crimes and Misdemeanors played by Mr. Alda himself) plays the generic do-good, good-government Northeast Liberal, a kind of Hawkeye Pierce from TV’s MASH Goes to Washington.

    The character cheats on his wife with Meryl Streep, and one could think it is Ted Kennedy in real life, but I really think Joe Biden was who the writers had in mind. Get it, Joe Tynan, Joe Biden?

    The Joe Tynan character, champion of righteous Liberal causes like blocking far-Right Supreme Court appointees (could be Ted Kennedy but tell me it wasn’t about Joe Biden), but in the end is remarkably morally shallow. He has a torrid affair with a lobbyist played by Meryl Streep, standing in for an intellectual equal rather than a human toy, but in the end, it is politically better to reconcile with his wife, so buh-bye Meryl.

    Joe Tynan is seduced–by fame, by political power, by the charms of Meryl Streep–but all of this is without consequences.

    Buh-bye President Biden.

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