10 thoughts on “Elon Musk”

  1. As I have said before…Trump ought to sue the networks for saying he was a “convicted felon” for months before his recent sentencing. They (the networks) could not possibly have not known that wasn’t legally correct. Branding him such was not only a lie but a malicious one; it was intended to damage Trump’s reputation as well as hurt him in the election. So known indisputably factually incorrect statements designed to cause reputational harm to the intended target (Trump).

  2. I do agree that Musk should sue any “news” outlet defaming him with that salute thing. It’s just so utterly preposterous.

    I’m astounded that CNN, after having just lost a big defamation lawsuit, thought it would be a good idea to call what Musk did a Nazi salute. I’d bet good money CNNs legal department wasn’t consulted on this one.

    Elon Musk is, after all, rumored to be able to afford a lawyer.

      1. The problem regarding CNN and the other cable “news” outlets, is that they draw subscriber fees from the Cable Cos that carry them. So ultimately, it’s the cable customers who carry the bill when they get sued and lose. The *real* remedy is to “cut the cord” and go to an all subscription on-line internet streaming model and drop Cable-TV altogether. This will eventually destroy these “networks”. They will all become essentially podcasters with a whole lot less reach.

        The real crime is that the Cable Cos. are allowed to raise their rates they charge when you drop TV and phone service for internet-only, to the point that you’re paying almost as much as you would if you had all three. That should be illegal. But the cable co’s have state and federal legislatures in their pockets.

  3. Scott Adams’ take on the Elon Nazi salute hoax was hilarious, as usual. He advised anyone who is a Republican to take precautions for the four years of Trump’s Presidency. For example, don’t ever raise one arm above waist level. And if reaching for something on a shelf above shoulder level, always use both hands, even if it takes only one to actually retrieve the object. Above all, when waving to someone as a greeting, be sure to use the Tim Walz creepy clown double hand wave [aka “jazz hands”]. It’s a matter of self defense, don’t you know.

    1. Didn’t you know that some white supremacists use jazz hands as a form of greeting? While funny, jazz hands would be turned into racist symbology in an afternoon

  4. He might have a case against some but a lot of people in media are using weasel words to make the accusation without making the accusation. Picking a few targets would be a good way to change group behavior though, it would at least make them more careful in their word choice.

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