3 thoughts on “They’re Sorry”

  1. I would say 95% of these people have substantial stock portfolios that they rely upon for a comfortable retirement.

    Given the appetite of many of his more activist supporters for the financial benefits of a bull market, a keep wondering when Mr. Obama will have his “You mean my legacy depends on the actions of some (fine, fine) bond traders?” moment that Mr. Clinton had.

    I am talking about those neo-Marxist college professors who are watching the endowment funds go poof! along with their retirement funds and private savings. At some point Mr. Obama will “own” this problem and then what?

  2. Paul, they noticed he problem long ago, and Obama is part of their solution. When your private assets dry up, it’s time to lay up different kinds of assets, e.g. government pensions, government entitlements, et cetera.

    Notice how Stimulusaurus contained truckloads of cash for education and educators, for unions, and we’ve the promise of health care entitlements for retired UAW workers no longer able to squeeze blood from the stone that GM has become? No accident.

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