More Steyn On Kennedy

At The Corner:

As for the argument that, well, for a rich and powerful man Ted sure did a lot for da liddle guy, include me out. Benign paternalism and droit du seigneur are two halves of the same coin: The former has excused the latter in monarchical societies through the ages. It’s distressing to see so many alleged “democrats” embrace it here.

And the so-called feminists go along with it. It’s OK to abuse women, as long as you allow them to kill their babies.

[Update a few minutes later]

Related thoughts from Matt Welch.

[Update early afternoon]

A commenter over at Matt Welch’s post notes something that I neglected to earlier, on the timing:

They didn’t call the cops for something like 10 hours.

More precisely, Ted Kennedy didn’t tell the cops about driving his car into the water until after he personally saw that Ms. Kopechne’s body had been discovered in his car.

Gee, isn’t that an interesting sequence?

7 thoughts on “More Steyn On Kennedy”

  1. It’s OK to abuse women, as long as you allow them to kill their babies.

    It’s sad but true. What would the world be like with 50 million additional productive American citizens? Did we abort a someone who would grow up to cure heart disease or cancer? A future Dali Lama?

  2. Dali Lama

    That’s not a typo. The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, Tibetan-born by necessity. The Dali Lama leads a religious sect devoted to Catalan surrealist artists, and need not originate from Spain.

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