A Document Dump

…at ACORN in San Diego. The Republic is fortunate in the idiocy of its enemies.

[Early evening update]

Breitbart’s comments, and ACORN’s (pathetic) response.

Here’s my question. Did Jerry Brown’s AG office tip off ACORN that they’d be coming by? And was this their idiotic response — to just dump them, literally, in a dumpster? Have they never even heard of shredders?

As I said, the Republic is fortunate in its enemies. It’s about what you’d expect, though. An organization like ACORN is not going to select for the best and brightest, and perhaps that’s what always saves us from people like them. Remember that tape during the campaign last year of the moron (I think almost literally) in the red tee-shirt, speechifying “ACORN needs Obama, and Obama needs ACORN”?

8 thoughts on “A Document Dump”

  1. It’s only nuts if someone prosecutes them. So far, that’s not a given or even likely. Democrats just want this to go away and legacy media doesn’t want to touch it as it proves every meme the have promoted as false. I think the reality will be a slow fade and a re-emergence by the same criminals under another name.

  2. The idiot pawns are being protected by the rather more efficient bishops and knights of the MSM and California government.

  3. Rand writes:

    “The Republic is fortunate in the idiocy of its enemies.”

    Someone once remarked that the reason there is in real life no equivalent of Sherlock Holmes’ adversary Professor Moriarty is that someone as bright and competent as Moriarty very quickly finds out that there is a better way to make a living than a life of crime.

    (Diagram that sentence, Mr. Opsasnik!)

    I think something of the same effect is a work with ACORN: Anyone with any brains and gumption is going to work somewhere else, and so ACORN gets only those who can’t make it anywhere else.

    Reality has a way of biting the leftists in the butt. I love it!

  4. ACORN gets only those who can’t make it anywhere else.

    And yet most Republicans think they managed to steal an election that was won by 9 million votes. There’s something wrong with this picture.

  5. And Jim thinks “most Republicans think they (Acorn) managed to steal an election that was won by 9 million votes.” I don’t think that, nor do any Republicans I know think that. I’m going to need to see a cite for that. There may very well be a few that think that, but absolutely not “most”. What’s wrong with this picture is that is that nobody else sees it.

  6. And yet most Republicans think they managed to steal an election that was won by 9 million votes. There’s something wrong with this picture.

    Sort of like how most Democrats believe GWB was dumber than a box of rocks, but still managed to steal two national elections, right Jim?

  7. I like to barbeque, but I hate the smell of diesel, so I don’t use lighter fluid, I use a chimney. I use the personal documents I don’t want to risk anyone using for ID theft as the initial fuel.

    If I’m not barbequeing I can burn a years worth of personal data in less time than it takes me to finish a beer. And I can drink a beer pretty fast.

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