I Love The Sound

…of exploding watermelons in the morning:

Polly Toynbee is blaming the whole fiasco on false consciousness.

…Sometimes we’re inclined to dismiss Polly as a loveable comedy figure, what with her lovely house in Tuscany contrasting so amusingly with her prolier-than-thou politics, and the never ending japesomeness of her deft, lighter-than-air prose.

But you know what? When she reveals her true colours, as she does here, I think she’s really, really scary. Her whole article teeters on the brink of demanding an eco-fascist world government to save us all from ourselves.

Save us from people wanting to save us from ourselves.

4 thoughts on “I Love The Sound”

  1. The Telegraph finally fixed that link. I’m glad that we haven’t yet let these particular nutcases near power. Sad thing is that if there really is a global warming problem that needs to be dealt with in the next few years, we’ll have to move these clowns out of the way first. Else any fix will be worse than doing nothing.

  2. You sure know how to pick ’em Rand. Yesterday you had me looking up the word gladsome, which pretty much meant what I thought it did. Today’s word is japesome. I wonder how many archaic words ending in -some there are in English.

  3. I just recently watched a documentary called Nietzsche and the Nazis. I know that the fascist label gets thrown around a lot. After watching this documentary it seems uncanny the number of parallels to the AGW segment of the environmentalist movement and that of National Socialism.

    The Nazis used the burning of the Reichstag to fabricate a crisis in which they used to make there rise to power. The AGW advocates, well, it is easy to draw parallels here to their claims that the planet is burning. However, instead of communist who were laid to blame for the Reichstag it is the capitalists who are the boogey man for burning up the climate.

    The racial component of National Socialism ties in with the biggest purveyors of capitalism, the predominantly white western power nations. There seems to be a prejudice amongst the AGW crowd depicting an inherent greed in all white people in attempts to make them out as the heathen barbarian pillaging the environment — as always ‘da joos get thrown in as well. However, the Indians and the Chinese, which have been doing their fair share of “demolishing the earth”, seem to by and large get a free pass. The victims are the colored peoples of so called developing nations which are used as the justification of wealth reapportionment. Of course, after Copenhagen it seems that the developing nations don’t seem so keen being labeled as helpless victims. Also they seem to not appreciate being treated like little kids being told that no one trusts them to properly use the billions of climate mitigation funds and so therefore will be spent for them on their behalf.

    Eugenics was a large component of the Nazi creation of an ideal man. With the AGW crowd we are seeing several astonishing claims that we need save the Earth by implementing a one child only policy, forced sterilization through chemicals in drinking water, subsidies for abortions, and encouragements to get vasectomy’s. Above all that we even often see cries to “just eliminate the billion or so of biggest over consumers so there is more for the rest of us”. Of course, not so much for the purpose of creating an ideal man, that’s a side effect now, but instead of creating a perfect pristine planet. It would seem the Greenies are attempting to eliminate the people of our species who waste precious resources and consume more than their fair share. The people left behind will be those with the biological predisposition to live within their means.

    The Nazi’s by and large were not big fans of reasoning and logic. The massive book burnings that took place were attempts to erase any discrepant writing or rhetoric that defied the Nazi ideals. It would seem with climategate that we in an essence have uncovered a book burning of sorts to eliminate all the raw data of their temperature records. After all, that information would only server to confuse those with feeble minds and detract from the over arching need to quickly and boldly act.

    Despite the fact that Hitler and Goebbels often disparaged capitalism they did allow it to persist within Germany . The Nazi ideology had taken such a deep root into German society as a whole that the most hardcore capitalists willingly turned over profits and products to the state out of pure patriotism. Therefore Hitler must have thought, why ruin a good thing by systemically dismantling the whole economy while everyone seems to so willingly go along as it is. Instead they formed cartels that all businesses had to join and at the head of the cartel board was the German state. I’d imagine that the AGW crowd, despite open discontent to capitalism, secretly knows as well that they will not be able to fund their goals without the powerful wealth creation of capitalism at its core. That is why the cap n’ tax legislation is their favorite method of pursuing their goals because it in essence creating a carbon cartel. No sense micromanaging each individual company for the good of the state. Instead create a commodity that nearly every single business must deal in and now you’ve got just the right amount of oversight to justify taxes that further fund the goals of the global state.

    Hitler often pointed out that the distinction between National Socialism and Marxist communism was on the emphasis controlling people versus controlling money. Nazi’s were more consumed with the idea of fundamentally changing people biologically and mentally. While communists were more consumed with the economics and the class warfare. The AGW folk don’t have a single gram of economic sense in their bones since all their methods of controlling consumption and carbon output pretty much serve to wreck an economy in general making even the poor people poorer. No, they are mostly interested in just outright elimination of those mentally incapable of altruistically giving up their productive worth for the benefit of the planet. They embrace a type of American Indian archetype of a noble and stoic race of people who will willingly bleed themselves dry to appease the Earth god.

    Finally, even the the Nazi movement had several Green ideologies present within their doctrine with their synthesis of naturalism and nationalism as a single entity; Hitler and the Fatherland uber alles.

  4. It is rapidly becoming obvious that there is no scientific basis whatsoever for significant manmade climate change. The change that is occurring is natural and normal – the earth is still emerging from the last ice age and will eventually cool into the next one.

    Outside of the “useful idiots” that chant green socialist mantras at Algore’s moonbat altar, there is almost no believable chance that the proponents of AGW really believe what they say. It is all about money and trying to establish an endless stream of research money in exchange for providing statist politicians with a mechanism to nullify american freedom.

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