The Limits Of Blaming Bush

Veronique De Rugy:

In my article in The American, I suggest the following: Let’s assume that all the spending before this year is Bush’s fault. Then, using data in President Obama’s budget request for fiscal 2010 and data from the fiscal 2011 budget request, I made this chart that projects spending each year from fiscal 2010 until fiscal 2019. The purple bars represent the spending amounts the president requested in February 2009. The orange bars represent the growth in the projected spending request between February 2009 and February 2010.

In his latest budget request, President Obama added roughly $1.6 trillion in spending over the next ten years on top of what he requested last year. Can President Obama blame that extra $1.6 trillion on former President Bush? No.

He can’t stop, though. It’s all he has.

3 thoughts on “The Limits Of Blaming Bush”

  1. C’mon, surely we all know the answer to, when will Bush Bashing end? Never, and here’s why,
    “Yes, this is higher…but if Bush hadn’t buried us in previous debt and ruined the economy, the current administration wouldn’t have to do this huge budgetary increase.”
    It’s coming, just wait for it. If not from the Messiah himself, then from one of the psychophants.

  2. Everything Bush did was sui generis, entirely at his discretion and he could have chosen otherwise.

    Obama, on the other hand, is utterly the victim of circumstance and can do nothing other than what Bush, the dimwitted half-chimp who couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag, has ingeniously pre-ordained must be done.

  3. Two things then. When did Reagans early troubles stop being Carters fault then? Purely on the basis I’ve heard the 1983 conditions blamed squarely on Carter…. And I’m fairly sure I’ve seen that done here.

    Second. Obama is more like a player at a no-limit Holdem game at the final table who is short stacked.

    The economy was worse than anybody thought it was when he took office and now he’s stuck going all in on an unsuited 2-6 hoping to flop a chance of a straight.

    Couple that to an opposition who’ve invoked the nuclear option more than any senate in history, at least if the graph on Maddow last night wasn’t utter BS (possible I will admit) and he’s screwed whatever he does.

    On te flipside so would have been McCain.

    If the democrats ha any balls they could be having a lot of fun at the expense ofthr republians now, but it’s quote clear they don’t.

    At this rate they deserve the kicking they’ll get in November.

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