6 thoughts on “The Vapidity Of The “No Lables” Concept”

  1. Actually, it probably didn’t spell check it because for some reason my Firefox insists on using British spelling. There’s probably a way to change it, but I haven’t bothered to figure it out.

  2. I’m sorry but I cannot take seriously a ‘no labels moderate’ like Blumenthal who would label me an extremist for supporting the second amendment or because I like frys with my bacon cheeseburger.

  3. The Levin article is pure Au.

    Also, if Frum wants to manufacture a regeneracy event, he should teleport a giant squid into NYC.

  4. Rand,

    To change the spelling, deliberately mispell a word, and when it is marked red, right click on it. You should see a menu option in the popup that mentions “language”. You should be able to select English, US. or however it is indicated.

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