What Happened Near Nogales?

I wish that I couldn’t believe that this might very well be true:

I can’t relate details for the safety of some agents and supervisors. However the word is that when Terry and the illegal alien bandit were both wounded, the BORSTAR helo came down on the scene and they opted to airlift the alien first to the hospital. Terry was loaded onto a vehicle and driven out to where another helo was parked, thereby the alien was given first priority for medical service. At this point we can’t confirm this but it sounds like it is coming from people who know.

Now if this really happened, I can imagine that there might have been some legitimate triage reasons for this, made without regard for who was who. Unfortunately, I can also imagine that it was done for ideological reasons. Either way, the optics on it will be terrible, and I expect this administration to continue to attempt to cover it up.

2 thoughts on “What Happened Near Nogales?”

  1. Well, God forbid some Mexican drug dealer / thug should be treated differently than a legal, law enforcement officer, citizen of OUR country. What kind of medical treatment do you think he had in Mexico growing up?

    Can’t we all just get along?

    (what we need is more target practice for the Border Patrol. shooting his foot was less effective than shooting him in the chest or HEAD)

  2. Is the reany reason for illegal armed thugs who have no intel value to survive a firefight with the border patrol?

    Don’t worry, we in Australia are doing much the same. We have several boatloads week of illegal immigrants(officially “Irregular Maritime Arrivals”) turning up at Australia’s island territories and our Navy is catching flack from the bleeding hearts for not keeping them safe(the boats sometimes sink). One writer to our National newspaper suggested our Navy wait just outside Indonesian territorial waters to ensure their safety rather than near our territory.

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