A Man-Made Famine

in America:

Fresno is the agricultural capital of America. More food per acre in more variety can be grown in the fertile Central Valley surrounding this community than on any other land in America – perhaps in the world.

Yet far from being a paradise, Fresno is starting to resemble Zimbabwe or 1930s Ukraine, a victim of a famine machine that is entirely man-made, not by red communists this time, but by greens.

That’s why they call them watermelons. There’s not much difference between green and red these days.

5 thoughts on “A Man-Made Famine”

  1. The real fun with the ESA would be making Polar Bears endangered because of global warming. Imagine a winter like this where you can’t burn fuel to save the polar bears. The ESA can really be draconian once something is declared endangered. Threatened species can be paved over no problems.

  2. The impact federal regulations have had on California’s agricultural Central Valley, combined with a similar impact on California’s timber industry, make a good case for the state to sue the federal government over its budget crisis. The products of both industries are needed on world markets and the tax revenue from those industries being allowed to go at full steam would do a lot to solve the states budget woes.

  3. …make a good case for the state to sue the federal government over its budget crisis.

    Don’t worry — the Democrats who run this state won’t. I mean, you’re starting to sound like a Tea Partier, Spatula — better have that looked at.

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