5 thoughts on “But Don’t Say It’s A Violent Religion”

  1. This is not a strictly religious issue.

    Hindu families murder daughters for marrying non-Hindus or even for marrying the wrong caste, or just without permission.

    Sikhs, too: one of the most notorious cases was a Canadian Sikh girl (child of immigrants) who married against her mother’s will back in India. Her mother and uncles hired her murder from Canada.

    I’ve seen reports that Coptic Christian families in Egypt will imprison or murder daughters who seek to marry out of the religion.

    With Islam, the issue of apostasy aggravates the problem, but the underlying cause is a backwards culture that regards children as possessions.

  2. All your examples are of members of various religions marrying outside their religion (or to forbidden groups within their religion). How is this not a religious problem?

    If you pulled in some miscegenation examples from the old south that would be better support.

  3. Religious divides are far harder to cross than racial divides when the dogma itself preaches apostasy is a sin. Note that historically, the racial divide in the US had to be enforced by misrepresented scripture. Modern racialists try to cloak their bigotry in the robes of science, the modern religion.

  4. It’s true that “culture” seems to have driven these women to it as much as their particular faith. It just might be that if a murderous culture decided to en masse convert to another religion they might still be as violent. That certainly might have been true in the past. However, there is only one modern religion that I can think of that doesn’t have a large number of pacifists in its makeup. Can you tell me which one that is?

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