Oh, Goody

There’s going to be a hearing in the House Science Committee next Monday, and guess who is on the witless list?

Scheduled witnesses are Neil Armstrong, Gene Cernan, and Mike Griffin, so you can kind of guess the hearing’s theme already.

Why oh why couldn’t Rohrabacher have gotten that chairmanship?

[Update a few minutes later]

I just got an update from Jeff Foust; the hearing is actually scheduled for next Thursday, the 22nd. Not that it makes it any better.

14 thoughts on “Oh, Goody”

  1. Imagine a a parallel universe where Neil Armstrong was the first man to fly across the Atlantic. Forty years later, he goes to Congress to testify against the development of commercial airliners.

    When Pete Conrad was working on the DC-X, he told an interviewer, “Bouncing around on the Moon was a blast. Everyone should go!”

    Being the first man to walk on the Moon makes Armstrong a national hero. It does not give him the right to say that no one except a few other NASA astronauts should be able to go.

  2. I’m pretty sure you’ll be watching the hearing, Rand, and I look forward to reading your report on it. But please forgive me if I pass on the outrage of Griffin’s oh-so-sincere mangling of the truth about everything to do with NASA history, rockets, and HSF.

    Is there no one on the committee who will call him on his distortions?

  3. Funny, Elon Musk is talking about the future of human space flight across town at the National Press Club that same week (day?) at around 11:30 AM, if memory serves. Hmmm.

  4. I’m still not entirely sure what Griffin is always so angry about. The current law of the land is that we build a government-owned and operated spaceship, as well as big stupid rocket made that uses J2-Xes and 5-seg SRBs.

    It’s unaffordable and unsupportable and it has zero payloads, but if it ever does get off the ground for some kind of test flight, it’ll sure look pretty! So, what’s he complaining about?

  5. the hearing is actually scheduled for next Thursday, the 22nd. Not that it makes it any better.

    Hmm. Bilbo’s birthday, also known as Hobbit Day.

  6. Was it a typo or deliberate that you wrote “the witless list?”

    Oh, obviously it was a typo. I would never deliberately insult men who walked on the moon. Maybe I’ll get around to fixing it some time. Or maybe not… 😉

  7. The Republicans in Congress need to provide some foundation for the Tea Party candidates to criticize President Obama on his space policy. I suspect this is the prime purpose of the hearings.

  8. Candidates? You mean the tea party has so much power that even before elected they hold power?

    Glad to see you’re finally coming to see the light.

    Thomas is always looking for a tea party leader to attack. I say we elect Thomas head of the tea party.

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