The Eco-Fascists

Why are they trying to ban incandescent bulbs? It’s got to be motivated by religion, because it’s both economically irrational, and tyrannical.

[Update a few minutes later]

Germany starts to come to its senses:

What has set it all off? One of the fathers of Germany’s modern green movement, Professor Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt, a social democrat and green activist, decided to author a climate science skeptical book together with geologist/paleontologist Dr. Sebastian Lüning. Vahrenholt’s skepticism started when he was asked to review an IPCC report on renewable energy. He found hundreds of errors. When he pointed them out, IPCC officials simply brushed them aside. Stunned, he asked himself, “Is this the way they approached the climate assessment reports?”

Vahrenholt decided to do some digging. His colleague Dr. Lüning also gave him a copy of Andrew Montford’s The Hockey Stick Illusion. He was horrified by the sloppiness and deception he found. Well-connected to Hoffmann & Campe, he and Lüning decided to write the book. Die kalte Sonne cites 800 sources and has over 80 charts and figures. It examines and summarizes the latest science.

Conclusion: climate catastrophe is called off

The science was hyped. The book started hitting the bookshops today and has already hit no. 1 on the list for environment books. Indications show that it will climb very high in the overall bestseller charts. It’s published by a renowned publishing house and is now sending shock waves through the German climate science establishment. The first printing will produce 20,000 copies. I expect they will sell out rather quickly.

Unfortunately, the lies and fraud in the service of the holy faith continue here.

[Update a while later]

Just in case people don’t realize the significance of this, this guy is the German equivalent of Britain’s George Monbiot.

7 thoughts on “The Eco-Fascists”

  1. “Disposing of CFL bulbs is a pain. ”
    It is not a pain. I have seen dozens of them in the trash at our local dump. They will be tossed in trash cans around the country. I have no idea how much mercury is in each bulb, but in the end it will primarily end up in the dump. Unintended consequences.

    1. Completely agree. You may get a business to follow regulation on disposal of commercial CFLs, but every household in the US? Well, once they try to enforce the regulation, they’ll see what the real public opinion is on the ban.

      1. It won’t be so hard to enforce with the impending mandates to install “smart” meters in every home. Of course you can always say no, all you have to do is give up electricity.

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