Our Celebrity President

Don’t miss Mark Steyn’s latest on Barack Hussein Kardashian:

…there are some cheap seats available. A year and a half ago, big-money Democrats in Rhode Island paid $7,500 per person for the privilege of having dinner with President Obama at a private home in Providence. He showed up for 20 minutes and then said he couldn’t stay for dinner. “I’ve got to go home to walk the dog and scoop the poop,” he told them, because when you’ve paid seven-and-a-half grand for dinner nothing puts you in the mood to eat like a guy talking about canine fecal matter. And, having done the poop gag, the president upped and exited, and left bigshot Dems to pass the evening talking to the guy from across the street. But you’ve got to admit that’s a memorable night out: $7,500 for Dinner with Obama* (*dinner with Obama not included).

At least he didn’t say he had to go home and eat the dog.

7 thoughts on “Our Celebrity President”

  1. Rand: on and on and on about the dog. Sigh.

    He was a kid in Indonesia (somewhere around ten), and OTOH, the Rom-bot was allegedly an adult when his poor dog took the 12-hour horror trip to Canada. But let’s not let facts get in the way of a firm opinion . . . . so of course, these cases are fully equivalent. Karl deems them so. All Right-thinking blogsters must comply.

    The facts remain: BHO gave us the commercial opening of a possible frontier and the Rom-bot is acquiring its space policy programming from Griffin.

    But let’s not let facts get in the way of a nifty opinion . . .

    1. Sadly, Kevin, this is not a single-issue election. Few people care about space, and I think that space will do fine under Romney; even if his space policies slow things down a little, his other ones will help a lot. And the Obama campaign is the one that decided to bring up dogs, in talking about how Romney transports them on family vacations. I (along with Mark Steyn) am just having a good time.

    2. We get years and years of, “Hahahah, George Bush says ‘Nu-cu-lur'”. And that’s just great and well and grand ole times to be had by all. But come on! Enough with the “Obama ate a dog” crap already; I mean really!

  2. Rand: but it still suffers from the sin of false equivalency. The Rom-bot has been caught lying blatantly so many times, he really does not need any help in that regard. (Example, in front of Solyndra, last week, inventing an “inspector general’s report” that no one has ever heard of.)

    My friend, you can do better.

    And the Flight of the Shamus was a shameful episode in the career of this creepy person. Really, really nasty.

    1. Well, the Bee-Hoe has done his share of lying — and Romney’s share, and Clinton’s share, for that matter. I never thought I’d see Slick Willy topped, but for pure pathology, no one outdoes the Bee-Hoe…

    2. Was Obama against the individual mandate before he was for it? Did he sneak a net-spending cut in there somewhere and nobody see it? Did Pay-as-you-go turn into pay-till-your-broke? Thank goodness we’ve the most transparent administration EVAR! Otherwise, I might start to get worried.

  3. It’s impressive how easily Rand can yank progressive’s chains. It just doesn’t get old.

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