The Shooter’s Politics

An inconvenient truth:

While it has no bearing on this guy going nuts and killing 12 people, it’s rather ironic that he’s a liberal Obama supporter considering the left always jumps at the chance to paint a killer as a Christian or conservative.

And of course, if he was a Christian or a conservative, it would obviously be the motive.

[Update a few minutes later]

“If we’d had ammunition, we could have cleared that building.”

But it was an unarmed victim “gun-free” zone.

Oh, and here’s a bonus from that idiot Piers Morgan. The type of gun used is obviously very important, until it isn’t.

[Update a while later]

The media remains obsessed with AR-15s, even though the shooter didn’t use one, and didn’t even attempt to get one. Instead, he used a Joe Biden special.

[Late-morning update]

If Obama had a fan, he’d look like Aaron Alexis:

Now we learn that Alexis was a Prius-driving, African-American liberal who liked Obama. Facts aren’t much fun, eh, libs?

So now the MSM narrative will magically transform this mass murder from “yet another damning indictment of gun-toting, right-wing racist America” to “the completely isolated actions of a misunderstood victim of society.” Just watch. It happens every time. And every time, they think we won’t notice.

Meanwhile, their ratings and their circulation numbers continue to plummet, and they blame everybody but themselves.

What tools they are.

15 thoughts on “The Shooter’s Politics”

  1. Of course the key point is that it appears to be another case of simply being mentally ill.

    Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard Shooting Suspect, Thought People Followed Him With Microwave Machine

    By ERIC TUCKER 09/18/13 12:00 PM ET EDT

    [[[WASHINGTON — Through a wall at his Rhode Island hotel, Aaron Alexis could hear them – voices harassing him, wanting to harm him. He couldn’t sleep. He believed people were following him, using a microwave machine to send vibrations to his body. He changed hotels once, then again. But he called police and told them he couldn’t get away from the voices.]]]

    [[[ He suffered from serious mental problems, including paranoia and a sleep disorder, and was undergoing treatment from the Department of Veterans Affairs, according to the law enforcement officials.]]]

    Of course both sides will do there best to profit from this tragedy to spin it to their advantage, but this appears to be just another sad case of someone with a mental illness falling through the cracks until a tragedy happens. It will also be interesting to see what medication he was on.

  2. It’s probably safe to say that everyone opposes mentally ill people being able to legally buy firearms. However, this may prove difficult to implement. For one thing, HIPPA laws make people’s medical records private (it’ll be interesting to see how that is squared with Obamacare). If they put information of a person’s mental illness into the database used to do firearms background checks, they’ll be in violation of HIPPA.

  3. HIPPA laws make people’s medical records private (it’ll be interesting to see how that is squared with Obamacare)

    Why wouldn’t it? HIPPA applies to your medical records whether you get insurance from an Obamacare exchange or not.

          1. Everybody in politics could use dirt on their enemies; that doesn’t explain why we should expect government HIPPA violations in coming years.

        1. Because Obama is hiring Democrat activist groups to run Obamacare. Why are we outsourcing government jobs to partisan activist groups?

          Do you really think no abuses regarding people’s health records will take place?

  4. I had three reactions to the updated news story when I heard it on the radio this morning:

    1) “I’m glad there was no AR-15 used, and I’m glad they’re correcting the story.”
    2) “I’m glad (so to speak) that they are reporting the person as mentally incapacitated, by talking about his hallucinations, calls to police, moving between hotel rooms, etc.”
    3) “Dammit. Violent video games 18 hours a day? The day after Grand Theft Auto 5 is released? How soon before they bury the lede that it was insanity, and blame it on video games instead?”

    One step forward, one neutral, two steps back…

  5. Once again, Rand Simberg has committed crimethink. Silly Rand, USG cannot break HIPPA laws, because it is above the law. The Inner Party is exempt from the law, and any thought criminal that questions The Party shall be sent to MiniLove… To have NSA anal probes inserted.

  6. Why are you expecting government violations of HIPPA in the coming years?

    No sooner than HIPPA was passed, a grad student at some college claimed he was conducting a study as an excuse to illegally obtain information on Dr. Atkin’s death. What was his false claim? That he was building a database of certain types of medical conditions, which is exactly the purpose of the Obamacare database.

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