Fighting The Left’s Fire With FIRE

Instapundit has some ideas for dealing with the war on college men:

You could add some street-theater when prospective freshmen tour the campus by putting up posters and passing out leaflets telling them that the campus is a “rights-free zone” for men or some such, too. And maybe demand that the admissions people warn admitted men that they won’t have due process, and then making a big stink when they won’t.

Yes, time to take back the campuses. Make all those administrators earn their money.

2 thoughts on “Fighting The Left’s Fire With FIRE”

  1. If the campus sexual assault numbers are as bad as the leftists are claiming, why would I want to help my granddaughter attend college? And if they’re not as bad, why would I want to help my three grandsons attend college where one false accusation could ruin their futures?

  2. This is a great idea. I’m going to get the major donor list from the University of Washington and telephone the donors. Doubt it will help, but I’m glad to be fighting fire with fire. Maybe I should put obnoxious bumper stickers on my car, like the stupid hippies do in this town (Seattle).

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