Why The Media Hates Scott Walker

They think he has a time machine.

It would be nice if he did. That would be the best way to fix ObamaCare. Of course, the best use of it, at least in the recent past, would be to shove some sticks in the spokes of the 2008 Obama campaign, knowing now what we didn’t know then.

[Update a while later]

“Our most intelligent presidents have often been our worst presidents.” I think it’s a mistake to conflate “intelligence” with amount of “education.” Barack Obama (or Bill Clinton) has never struck me as particularly intelligent, unless by that you mean “cunning.” They’re certainly not wise. But yeah, Wilson was pretty bad, just as Obama is.

4 thoughts on “Why The Media Hates Scott Walker”

  1. I really don’t see why it’s not OK to blame Walker (or any other Republican) for doing something in office as that took place a year or more before he took office. It’s no different than blaming the secret service scandals as bad behavior that began with President Bush’s 2000 state visit to Moscow. (He took office in January, 2001).

    Remember, it’s raaaacist to believe that cause must precede effect.


    Okay, on a serous note, I’m not a Walker fan, nor do I hate him – the jury is still out on him as far as I’m concerned, until I hear some policy clarifications (I simply don’t know enough, yet, to have an opinion on him). However, the media attacks on him and others are preposterous, and also hypocritical as hell in context with the free pass they gave candidate Obama on actual causes for concern, such as his relationships with terrorists and racists. On the other hand, they sure went nuts when they found out Romney had given a classmate a forced haircut in school. Oh, and let’s not forget the dog-on-the-roof scandal!

  2. I have an extremely high IQ; I qualify for the Prometheus society. I’m not impressed by intelligence. IQ (or even just general intelligence) is merely a potential, not an achievement.

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